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Understanding Solar Inverters and Why They’re Important

Mar. 07, 2024

Solar inverters, also known as photovoltaic (PV) inverters, are essential components in any solar energy system. They are responsible for converting the DC electricity generated by the solar panels into AC electricity that can be used in homes and businesses. The AC electricity generated by the inverter is then sent to an electrical panel and distributed throughout the building.

Types of Solar Inverters

There are several types of solar inverters, each with its own unique features and benefits. The most common types are:

Central Inverters

Central inverters are the traditional type of inverter and are usually used in large-scale solar energy systems. They are installed at a central location and connected to multiple solar panels.


Microinverters are small, individual inverters that are attached to each solar panel. This type of inverter is becoming increasingly popular for residential solar energy systems as it provides more flexibility and improved performance.

String Inverters

String inverters are similar to central inverters but are smaller in size. They are connected to multiple solar panels in a “string” and are often used in residential and commercial solar energy systems.

Power Optimizers

Power optimizers are devices that are attached to each solar panel and work in conjunction with a central or string inverter. They optimize the performance of each individual panel and can improve the overall efficiency of the solar energy system.

Functions of Solar Inverters

Solar inverters perform several key functions, including:

  • Converting DC electricity into AC electricity

  • Monitoring the performance of your solar panels

  • Maximizing the amount of electricity generated by your panels

  • Shutting down your system in the event of a power outage or other safety issue

Benefits of Solar Inverters

Solar inverters bring several benefits to any solar energy system. Some of the most notable benefits include:

  • Increased efficiency: Solar inverters help to optimize the performance of the solar panels, resulting in increased efficiency and improved energy output.

  • Improved reliability: With a solar inverter in place, the solar energy system is less likely to experience power outages or malfunctions. This can result in improved reliability and peace of mind for the homeowner.

  • Increased safety: Solar inverters help to ensure that the electricity generated by the solar panels is safe for use in homes and businesses.

  • Increased energy independence: With a solar energy system and a solar inverter, homeowners and businesses can reduce their reliance on the traditional energy grid and become more energy independent.

Choosing the Right Solar Inverter for Your Needs

When choosing a solar inverter, there are several factors to consider, including:

  • The size of your solar panel system

  • The type of panels you are using

  • Your budget

  • Your energy needs

  • Your location and climate

It is important to work with a professional solar installer to determine the best solar inverter for your needs. They will be able to assess your system and recommend the best type of inverter for your situation.


What is the purpose of a solar inverter?

The purpose of a solar inverter is to convert the direct current (DC) electricity generated by the solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity that can be used in homes and businesses.

Can I use my solar panels without a solar inverter?

No, you cannot use your solar panels without a solar inverter. The DC electricity generated by the solar panels must be converted into AC electricity before it can be used in homes and businesses.

Can I use a solar inverter with a battery backup system?

Yes, many solar inverters are compatible with battery backup systems, which can provide backup power during outages.

What is the difference between a central inverter and a microinverter?

Central inverters are a single, large inverter that is typically installed near the electrical service panel and are less expensive but have limitations such as affecting the performance of all panels if one panel is not functioning properly. Microinverters, on the other hand, are small inverters attached to each individual solar panel, improving system performance by optimizing the output of each panel individually but are typically more expensive and may not be cost-effective for larger PV systems.

How long do solar inverters last?

Solar inverters typically last between 15 and 25 years, depending on the type and brand.

Top 10 Benefits of Installing a Solar Inverter for your Home

With rising electricity prices and concerns over fossil fuel emissions, more Indian homeowners are making the switch to solar power. Installing rooftop solar panels can reduce your dependence on the grid and lower your monthly electricity bills. But to truly unlock the potential of your solar photovoltaic (PV) system, you need a solar inverter. Here are the top 10 benefits of adding a solar inverter to your home.

1. Converts DC Power to AC Power

The direct current (DC) electricity generated from your solar panels needs to be converted to alternating current (AC) power that you can use for your home appliances. A solar inverter performs this crucial conversion efficiently.

2. Feeds Solar Power Directly to Home Appliances

With a solar inverter, the solar energy produced on your roof is directly utilized inside your home. Any excess power is fed back into the grid. This reduces wastage and maximizes savings.

3. Enables Net Metering

Solar inverters enable net metering, which allows you to get credit for any surplus solar power fed into the grid. You can use these credits to offset your electricity consumption from the grid during night-time or cloudy days.

4. Grid Backup Supply

Even if your solar panels get temporarily shaded or stop working, a solar inverter seamlessly switches to drawing backup power from the grid so that appliance functioning is unaffected.

5. Compact Design

Modern solar inverters have a slim, lightweight, and compact design for ease of wall-mounting indoors, like in your basement or utility area. This protects the equipment from harsh outdoor conditions.

6. Smart Home Integration

With smart inverter technology, your solar system can integrate with smart home devices and apps for real-time energy monitoring and automation. This helps optimize solar usage and minimize wastage.

7. Improves Solar Panel Efficiency

Solar inverters play a crucial role in maximizing energy yield from your PV system. They ensure the panels operate at the optimal voltage to extract the most power available.

8. Long Product Lifespan

With no moving parts, solar inverters are built to have a long lifespan of over 20 years. Getting an extended warranty provides added peace of mind about your investment.

9. Low Maintenance

Solar inverters are low-maintenance appliances. Basic cleaning, checking connections, and monitoring inverter performance are all that’s needed periodically. Most high-quality inverters are maintenance-free for the first 5 years.Enhances Property Value

Installing a rooftop solar PV system with an inverter boosts your home’s resale value. It shows future buyers your property is environmentally friendly, energy efficient, and has lower electricity expenses.

Types of Solar Inverters

While shopping for inverters, you will come across mainly three types suitable for home installations:

  • String inverters: These are the most popular choice and can handle multiple solar panels connected in a series string. Suitable for medium-to-large rooftop solar systems.
  • Microinverters: Instead of one central inverter, microinverters are small devices fitted to each solar panel. Allow optimal efficiency as each panel works independently. More expensive.
  • Power optimizers: Like microinverters, these are fitted on every solar panel but connect to a central inverter. Provide panel-level control and efficiency at a lower cost.

Key Features to Look for When Buying Solar Inverters

To choose the best solar inverter, keep the following features in mind:

  • Output power rating: This should match your solar power system capacity for right-sized performance.
  • Conversion efficiency: Look for efficiency rates of 97% and above. This denotes less energy waste.
  • MPPT tracking: Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) enables peak energy extraction from solar panels.
  • Connectivity: Check for Bluetooth, WiFi, or Ethernet connectivity for monitoring system performance.
  • Warranties: Opt for inverters that come with a 5-year product warranty and 10-25 years performance warranty.

Solar Inverter Sizing for Homes

When shopping for solar inverters, proper sizing as per your home’s requirements is vital. Here are some key sizing considerations:

  • Total solar panel capacity installed: Inverter capacity should be 20-30% higher than total watts of panels.
  • Home electricity usage: Choose capacity that covers 100% of average household consumption.
  • Future expansion plans: Factor bigger inverter if adding more panels later.

Additionally, the number of solar panels connected per string depends on the inverter. So consult your installer when choosing the right solar equipment.

Top Recommended Solar Inverter Brands in India

Some of the best solar inverter manufacturers and brands available in India are:

  • Luminous: Known for power backup solutions, luminous solar inverters provide advanced German engineering with features like LCD display and copper winding technology for superior performance.
  • Microtek: Around for over 30 years, Microtek offers a wide range of pure sine wave inverters for solar systems which boast high efficiency and quality components.
  • Su-Kam: A leading power backup expert, Su-Kam offers high capacity three-phase solar inverters with intelligent analytics and monitoring ideal for home and commercial needs.
  • Waaree: As India's leading solar company, Waaree also manufactures high-quality solar inverters optimized for the Indian market across homes and businesses.

When choosing your solar equipment partner for long-term reliability, go for established players with a strong local presence and service support.


Installing a properly sized solar inverter unlocks the true potential of your home’s rooftop solar system. With smart features, maximum energy yield, grid integration, and low maintenance; advanced solar inverters provide complete peace of mind. They form the vital second component accompanying solar panels on your path to energy independence and cost savings. Reach out to Waaree today and visit our official website for assistance designing a made-to-order solar solution for your home that helps save money and the planet!

Waaree is India's leading solar solutions provider, with over 3 decades of expertise in the sector. Waaree also offers specialized solar consulting to design PV solutions for Indian homes and businesses. By opting for Waaree solar products, you gain access to industry-best warranties, responsive after-sales service, and long-term peace of mind. Let Waaree's experts help maximize savings and drive India's transition towards sustainability through solar energy adoption. Partner with Waaree today for an eco-friendly, smart-energy future.

Understanding Solar Inverters and Why They’re Important

Top 10 Benefits of Installing a Solar Inverter for your Home


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