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Benefits of Installing an EV Charging Station at Home

Mar. 07, 2024

The electric vehicle (EV) revolution has been gaining momentum, and with it comes the need for convenient EV charging stations. In Connecticut, home electric vehicle chargers have become a must-have for many EV owners. According to a report released by the Connecticut Green Bank, the number of registered electric vehicles in Connecticut has quadrupled since 2016, from 2,884 to 11,608 as of June 2020. While most of the charging still takes place at designated public charging stations, the convenience of having an EV charging station at home is hard to beat. Whether you own a Tesla, Chevy Bolt, or Nissan Leaf, having a reliable EV charging station at home, such as a ChargePoint station, is one of the most essential functions for EV charging.  

Installing an electric vehicle charging station in your home can not only add convenience to your daily life, but also allow for financial and environmental benefits as well. 

Optimize Your Efficiency and Safety


One of the key benefits of owning an electric vehicle charging station at home is the convenience. Having an EV charger installed right in your driveway means you can charge up your car quickly and easily without having to drive long distances to a public charging station. This not only makes it easier to keep your car charged, but it also saves you time and money that would otherwise be spent searching for and driving to a public station. 

Another major benefit of owning an EV station at home is the ability to customize the charging speeds and types available. At Valiant Energy, we partner with a trusted leader in EV technology, ChargePoint. Their stations offer a range of charging speeds from level 1 (3.6kW) to level 3 (50-500 kW). Level 1 is generally used for plug-in hybrids that require only a low charge, while level 3 is suitable for full battery electric vehicles that need the fastest available charging rate. As EV technology continues to evolve, it is important to have an electric vehicle station that allows for charging at different levels to meet the needs of different vehicles.  

The cost savings associated with owning an EV charging station can also be substantial. Installing a station at home can be significantly less expensive than renting or leasing a public station, making it an attractive option for many EV owners. According to statistics compiled by EV station, the average cost of installing a Level 2 station at home ranges from $650 to $2,500. Furthermore, many electric utilities offer incentives and discounts for customers who install an EV station, resulting in even greater cost savings.  

Finally, safety matters. Our partners at ChargePoint confidently ensure their equipment comes with state-of-the-art safety features that are invaluable. All electric vehicle stations come with self-locking plugs and power cords that help prevent theft and tampering. Additionally, many stations feature built-in monitoring systems that can detect potentially dangerous conditions and alert you if there is an issue. This helps ensure that your EV station is always safe and secure.  

Electric vehicle charging stations allow for convenience, cost savings, and safety features which are essential factors when it comes to owning an electric vehicle. 

When it comes to EV charging at home, ChargePoint stations are a top contender and smart investment. Not only do they provide the convenience and cost savings of having a charger close by, but their safety features help keep your car and home secure. With the increasing popularity of EVs, it’s more important than ever to make sure you have a dependable and efficient charging station at home. 

If you are ready to explore EV charging station options at your home or in your neighborhood, our solutions experts can meet with you to discuss options and showcase equipment so that you can make an informed decision. What are you waiting for? Contact our renewable energy team today. 

6 Benefits of Home EV Chargers

An electric vehicle is an investment in the future, but it comes with a lot of new ways of doing things that you may not be used to if you’re just leaving the world of combustion engines. One of the biggest issues electric car owners face is how to keep their cars charged up so they’re ready for the day ahead. There are several things you can do to extend your electric vehicle's mileage range on one charge, of course, but being able to charge securely and safely in your own garage is one of the best benefits of home EV chargers. Here are some more benefits: 

1. Home EV Chargers are Convenient

Public electric vehicle charging stations are nowhere near as common or convenient as gas stations. Not yet, anyway. This leaves you with the need to plan your routes to find them, and if you do, they may be out of service or in use by another EV driver. With a home EVSE (electric vehicle supply equipment) in your own garage, you can simply plug in when you need to and be ready for the day in most cases.

2. Home Electric Vehicle Chargers Give you More Control

Today’s home car chargers possess technologically-advanced settings you can program to schedule and maintain the battery according to the specifications of your particular model of electric vehicle. This gives you more control over the charging process and helps you extend battery life and mileage range. 

3. An EVSE Can Save You Money Over Time

There are several costs to owning an EV: The price of the car, maintenance costs, and yes, the cost of installing an EV charger at home must be factored in as well. It also costs money to charge at a public charging station; often more than it would cost to charge at home. Fortunately, however, charging your electric car overnight (during off-peak hours) can save you money, and you won’t have to deal with the fluctuating (and often high) cost of filling up at the gas station. EVSE installation will cost more upfront, but it will save you money and hassle in the long run.

Benefits of Installing an EV Charging Station at Home

Benefits of Home EV Charger


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